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Dyma'r math o waith y byddaf yn ymgymryd â hwy fel ymgynghoriaeth broffesiynnol, yn defnyddio'n agos i ddeugain mlynedd o brofiad fel pensaer a'r byd celfyddydol


Mae gen i nifer o unigolion a chwmnïau y byddaf yn cydweithio â nhw yn aml er mwyn medru cynnig tîm pan fo galw.

The following is the sort of work I undertake as a professional consultancy, using almost forty years' experience as an architect and with the creative world.


I have a range of individuals and firms that I collaborate with regularly in order to put forward a team for projects when required.

122 cywain.png
Water Droplets
Budding Tree


wedi ei seilio ar natur y 'lle', ble mae'r ymateb yn rheoli'r ffurf; sefydlu gofynion, cyfyngiadau a chwilio am bosibiliadau gwreiddiol a chyffrous


  • dichonoldeb a dewisiadau

  • strategaeth ddehongliadol

  • dylunio profiad dehnongli (+ ar y cyd â phenseiri)

  • gweinyddu gwaith creu a gosod arddangosfa

  • creu tîm i ymchwilio

  • dewis a golygu delweddau, dogfennau a gwrthrychau

  • trefnu gwaith fideo, sain, cyfrifiadur a thestun

  • trafod a chytuno gweinyddiad tymor hir


based on the nature of the 'place', where the response dictates the form; establish needs, limitations; search for original and exiting possibilities


  • feasibility and options

  • interpretive strategy

  • interpretation experience design (+ jointly with architects)

  • administer creation and installation of exhibition

  • put together research team

  • select and edit images, documents and artefacts

  • organise video, audio, digital and text material

  • discuss and agree longer term administration

gwaith arall

ar yr un egwyddorion a'r uchod, mi fyddai'n ymgymryd a gwaith tebyg mewn meysydd eraill, megis:


  • parc chwarae cymunedol newydd

  • adnewyddu neuadd bentref

  • darpariaeth sgwter trefol

  • ymgynghori lleol (gyda phenseiri)

  • creu canolfan dechnegol gymunedol mewn hen ysgol



other work

on the same principles as above, I undertake similar work in other related fields, such as:



  • new community play park

  • renew community hall

  • new urban scooter faciliity

  • local consultation (with architects)

  • develop an old school into a new community technology centre


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