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I visited a wonderful collection of moveable art objects and spaces on a vast Stalinist parade ground somewhere in East London with PV and offspring.


There was a 1950s transportable cinema, talk spaces, art making spaces, stalls, and even a whole collection of young men in underpants powering an enormously heavy vehicle with much grunting and shouting. The pirate ship was a great attraction as was the pineapple themed four wheeled bicycle. My favourite, though, was a big foot with a motor; the driver's head poking up nonchalantly through the 'ankle' saying "I like to go everywhere by foot" in a very dry deadpan tone, with a twinkle in his eye.


'Place' does not have to be static - it can be made when an object pulls up and stops, temporarily, or it can only come in to existence when it is moving.



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