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Bu fy nhad farw ar ddechrau'r mis, ond dim ond yn ei angladd y dysgais rhywbeth amdano.

My father died earlier this month, but it was only at his funeral that I learned something about him.


Yn y deyrnged iddo tynwyd ein sylw at y ffaith ei fod wedi graddio mewn daearyddiaeth ddynol ac anthropoleg, lle'r mae'r pwyslais ar y bobl ac nid ar y gwrthrychau. Yr hyn oedd yn cydio ei waith a'i ddiddordebau at ei gilydd oedd ei gred yn arwyddocad pobl mewn cymdeithas, fod eu harferion a'u hymwneud a'i gilydd yn codi o hynny, a bod eu cynefin yn wedyn yn adlewrychu hynny. I mi, mae hyn yn cynrychioli "lle", ac er ein bod yn dod o gyfeiriadau gwahanol, mi roedden ni yn yr un maes, yn y diwedd. Rhyfedd o fyd, a fydd o ddim yma mwyach i fy rhoi i ar ben ffordd. Hwyl, rhen foi!


In the tribute we were reminded that he had graduated in human geography and anthropology, which emphasises the people involved rather than their artefacts. The feature that united his work and interests was his belief in the significance of people in society, that their customs and interaction arose from this and that their environment in turn reflected it. That, to me, represents "place", and even though we were coming from different directions, we were, in the end, working in the same field. Funny old world, and he won't be here any more to put me straight. 'Bye, old man!

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